Innovations for biomass furnaces through the Federal Funding Program for Efficient Buildings (BAFA)
With the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG), the federal government’s energy-related building funding is being restructured in implementation of the Climate Action Program 2030 and the funding strategy of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) “Energy Efficiency and Heat from Renewable Energies”.
The BEG replaces the existing programmes to promote energy efficiency and renewable energies in the building sector – including the CO2 building renovation programme (Energy-efficient Construction and Renovation Programme), the Heating Optimization Programme (HZO), the Energy Efficiency Incentive Programme (APEE) and the Market Incentive Programme for the Use of Renewable Energies in the Heating Market (MAP).
What innovations does the federal funding for efficient buildings entail?

1) Based on dry flue gas, standardised to 0°C, 1013 mbar, 13 vol.-% O2 | 2) Specification applies to operation under nominal load conditions | 3) Specification applies to operation under partial load conditions, if applicable
Source: “Guideline for federal funding for efficient buildings – individual measures (BEG EM) of 17 December 2020 (reference: BAnz AT 30.12.2020 B2)” according to section 5.3e with the annex “Minimum technical requirements for the “Federal funding for efficient buildings” programme – individual measures (TMA), sections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3
Existing essential requirements
- Pellet or wood chip boilers and pellet stoves with a water pocket (automatically fed) must have a power and combustion control system and automatic ignition.
- Wood log gasification boilers (manually fed) must have a power and combustion control system (with temperature sensor behind the combustion chamber and/or lambda probe for measuring the O2 content in the flue gas pipe or equivalent sensors).
- Combination boilers for the combustion of biomass pellets or wood chips and logs that are fed automatically
- must have power and combustion control and automatic ignition for the automatically fed part of the system and
- have a power and combustion control system (with temperature sensor behind the combustion chamber and/or lambda probe for measuring the O2 content in the flue gas pipe or equivalent sensors)
New requirements since 01.01.2021
- All eligible biomass heating systems must be equipped with a heat quantity display by January 1, 2023 at the latest.
- There is no efficiency display requirement for biomass systems.
- Downstream heat exchangers or separators/filters
- are still eligible for funding, but do not receive a bonus. They are subsidized by up to 45% within the complete system.
- are not included in the calculation for compliance with the 2.5 mg/m3 dust limit. This means that only tested boilers with < 2.5 mg/m3 can receive the innovation bonus.
Object of funding
As part of the federal funding for efficient buildings – individual measures (BEG EM), biomass systems for heat generation (heating technology) continue to be eligible for funding as individual measures in existing residential and non-residential buildings: The adjustment of the limit values as of 01.01.2021 for dust and the efficiency or utilization rates for eligible biomass systems is intended to make the appliances cleaner and more efficient and thus make a further contribution to the federal government’s climate policy goals.
The DBI Group is ideally positioned with its testing services
and will be happy to support you.
The DVGW Energy Testing Laboratory has all the accreditation and technical requirements to carry out type or supplementary tests on your biomass systems for heat generation. As a final service, a test report (in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) is issued in accordance with EN 303-5 (biomass boilers) or EN 14785 (pellet stoves with water pocket), which can be submitted to BAFA.
We also offer tests on downstream systems, such as particle separators (e.g. in accordance with DIN SPEC 33999) or flue gas heat exchangers.
Take advantage of our expertise, our many years of experience and our technical potential to make your products future-proof.
We will be happy to help you, please contact us!
Your contact to us

Deputy head of DVGW test laboratory energy
Rico Eßbach
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