Biogas technology
The production of biogas from renewable raw materials, animal excrements and municipal and industrial waste is essential for implementing the energy transition. Biogas has many advantages. It can be produced, stored and utilized regionally to generate heat or electricity, or to be used as a fuel or material. If required, it can be converted into biomethane and fed into the natural gas grid for distribution.
Biogas plants itself are an established and sophisticated technology which is used for a long time already. Nevertheless, there are many research topics about the biological process of gas formation, conditioning and utilization. Our biogas technology team works on general issues related to the biogas process, in particular on biogenic hydrogen production and biological methanization projects. Furthermore, we deal with gas treatment and the separation of trace substances.
Fields of work
- Optimization of biogas processes
- Consulting and basic engineering
- Screening of adsorbents
- Biogenic H2 production
- Biological methanization of CO2 and H2
- CO2 underground storage
- Gas treatment (removal of trace substances such as H2S or siloxanes)
- Adsorbents & catalysts (synthesis, characterization, and screening)
- Photochemical and advanced oxidation

Laboratory Equipment
Biogas pilot plant (excerpt)
- Fermenters and digesters from liter to cubic meter scale
- Multi-stage fermentation systems
- Bubble column reactors (1 to 4 m high)
- 10 m³ gas storage tank
- Adsorbent experimental unit
- Test trailer for field tests
- Photoreactor
- Analytical methods (excerpt)
AAnalytical methods (excerpt)
- Gas chromatography (MS, FID, TCD)
- Luminometry
- TS/oTS
- Photometry
- Gravimetry
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