Safe. Efficient. Storable. Climate neutral.
Our hydrogen expertise
Green hydrogen is seen as a key energy carrier for achieving climate protection targets and successfully implementing the energy transition. Hydrogen is the answer to many challenges, particularly in the areas of energy transport and seasonal energy storage. As a chemical energy carrier with good storage properties and versatile usability, hydrogen is currently the most important basis for the decarbonisation of the heating, mobility and industrial sectors. Decarbonisation can be achieved comparatively cost-effectively with hydrogen, as key infrastructures such as the gas networks can continue to be used with manageable adjustments and further generation paths are potentially foreseeable.
We, the experts in the DBI Group, have been working on the integration of renewable energy sources into the existing energy system and its infrastructure for more than two decades. One of our main advantages is that our group structure allows us to quickly transfer research results to the service sector. With the help of a transformation process, which the DBI Group is playing a key role in shaping, today’s natural gas supply can be converted into a CO2-free or CO2-neutral energy system using renewable gases such as hydrogen, thus enabling the cost-effective achievement of climate targets.

The VerifHy database
Together with the DVGW, we have created verifHy, a comprehensive database on the hydrogen readiness of gas networks, products, components and materials. As a manufacturer or network operator, you can call up reliable information on H2 readiness at the touch of a button.

H2 competence network
As a climate-friendly energy source of the future, hydrogen plays an important role in the German energy system. The DVGW recognised this early on and has been continuously expanding its hydrogen expertise for years. Since April 2022, the association has been pooling the expertise of the institutes in the DVGW research network in the “H2 Competence Network of the German Energy Industry” in order to take hydrogen research to the next level of development. In addition to research institutes, the H2 Competence Network has convened its own board of trustees made up of experts from the hydrogen industry, research and society, which advises the H2 Competence Network.
Your contact to us

Managing Director Engineering & Consulting
Gert Müller-Syring
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